Simple 6 page lease that you can understand
Our affordable pricing clearly explained before you sign
Professional, Medical, and Dental suites that upsize as your business grows
Time tested office layouts. Locations near you & your customers
"Andy is fantastic!"
"They always reply and tend to the issue right away"
"We had a door lock sticking and lighting issues that were resolved immediately."
"Service has been very responsive w requests to check it and have made some helpful changes"
"The Administrators have been incredibly responsive when my employees have brought issues to my attention."
"The maintenance staff at this facility has been courteous and wonderful"
"The support team is awesome!"
"I like the online platform to request service."
We enjoy helping small business owners in the Rochester area find affordable office space and get into their new office quickly. We make leasing as easy as possible, so you can focus on what you do best: building your business.
Construction Coordinator
Maintenance Associate
Director of Technology and Customer Systems
WNY Leasing Manager
WNY Property Manager
Leasing Agent
Admin Assistant/Leasing Support