Simple 6 page lease that you can understand
Our affordable pricing clearly explained before you sign
Professional, Medical, and Dental suites that upsize as your business grows
Time tested office layouts. Locations near you & your customers
"Service has been very responsive w requests to check it and have made some helpful changes"
"Great maintenance, very fast & responsible, property well-maintained, even very early on snowy mornings. "
"Automatic deduction is a great convenience."
"Management is super quick to respond with any building issues and staff is professional and kind. Property is well-maintained. I couldn't be happier with my first office rental experience."
"Prompt follow up when service needed"
"Excellent, responsive, as Always!"
"Very nice space, finishes, color choices (allowed), and clean..."
"Front door repaired."
We enjoy helping small business owners in the Dallas Fort Worth area find affordable office space and get into their new office quickly. We make leasing as easy as possible, so you can focus on what you do best: building your business.
Construction Superintendent
DFW General Manager
Leasing Associate
Construction Assistant Superintendent
Property Maintenance Coordinator